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The Canny alternative you have been looking for

Canny is expensive, not native and weighed down by features you won't use with a lengthy onboarding process. WishKit is both lightweight and powerful. It's affordable, takes 100 seconds to set up and prioritizes features you'll actually use.

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WishKit compared to

WishKit and Canny are both solutions that will help you collect and manage product feedback better. There’s plenty of overlap in terms of features, and where the two tools deliver value.

That said, there are also big differences.

Canny set up process is time-consuming - they do even mention themselves how long it takes. All that while the dashboard is intimidating and has a steep learning curve.

"It's probably the easiest integration I've ever seen with a dev tool. Honestly well done the work you've been doing with WishKit."
Edouard Barbier
Indie iOS Developer (+14 Apps)

With WishKit the set up takes 100 seconds from the moment you sign up. It's all about delivering features you actually need and providing an easy and hassle-free experience.

You can try WishKit immediately - with the intuitive dashboard you won't spent time having to learn the tool first.

WishKit is a less expensive alternative to Canny

There's no way around it: Canny is an expensive tool. Their lowest pricing option clocks in at around $360 a month.

But, it's not just the cost—determining how much you'll actually pay for Canny isn't a straightforward process.

You won't be able to get a Canny price quote for the Business plan without multiple calls. They don't offer a self-serve option, which isn't convenient.

WishKit offers transparent pricing and self-serve options for all plans — so you can test out the tool and start collecting feedback quickly. WishKit even offers a completely free plan to get you started.


$0 / mo


$15 / mo

Switching to WishKit
from Canny

Currently a Canny customer? Make the switch—it's easy and free.

Get started with WishKit for free

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